Bahamas Laws On-Line is a database of consolidated Statutes and  Subsidiary Legislation of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas amended up to 31st December, 2009.

Contents of this web site are provided by the Government of The Bahamas for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The Government of The Bahamas accepts no liability for actions arising from its use.  Also, this website is not a substitute for PROFESSIONAL OR LEGAL ADVICE.

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Item No Bahamian Short Title    Date Commenced
1970-0010 Industries Encouragement Act Thursday, 17 December 1970  
1954-0030 Hotels Encouragement Act Wednesday, 21 July 1954  
1960-0018 The Hawksbill Creek, Grand Bahama (Deep Water Harbour and Industrial Area) (Amendment of Agreement) Act Wednesday, 08 June 1960  
1963-0050 Agriculture and Fisheries Act Monday, 06 January 1964  
1965-0049 Freeport Bye-laws Act Friday, 10 September 1965  
1993-0035 Freeport, Grand Bahama Act Thursday, 30 December 1993



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