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Closed Circuit Television Project

Project Description

This initiative involves the installation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), in the initial stages, in high crime areas of the country, at tourist attractions and in the business districts and vulnerable spaces, in order to keep watch over activities in these areas at all times.

Objectives of Project

  1. To reduce the crime that is prevalent in The Bahamas today due to the increased likelihood of the criminal being detected.
  2. To aid the Royal Bahamas Police Force in obtaining evidential information that would lead to the apprehension and prosecution of offenders.
  3. It is anticipated that with CCTV, the Police Force will be able to identify areas in which crime has taken place, so as to move resources quickly to those areas.

Project Status

  • The Government has approved the Ministry of National Security to engage the Royal Bahamas Police Force in a Public-Private Sector Partnership to expand the network of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in New Providence in the first instance.
  • A senior officer on the Royal Bahamas Police Force chairs the Public-Private Sector Steering Committee charged with implementing the CCTV Project.
  • The Government has engaged the services of a consultant firm to assist with the selection and implementation process.
  • The Request for Qualification (RFQ) was issued in February, 2011 and the Steering Committee is in the process of selecting suitably qualified contractors for bidding for the Project.

The Minister of National Security, The Hon Dr. Bernard J. Nottage, in his Mid-Year Budget Debate, in January 2013, gave the Government’s update on the Closed Circuit Television Programme, that became operational in November, 2011. Members of The Royal Bahamas Police Force are actively working with Lowe’s Security Limited, the company who was awarded the contract by the Government, and its corporate strategic partners, Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) and Bahamas Electricity Corporation, (BEC) to ensure that 243 cameras are included in Phase 1 of this initiative, are installed by June 2013.

The first Phase of this initiative will result in these 243 cameras being positioned in strategic areas throughout New Providence, referred to by the Police as ‘Hot Spots,’ with respect to the occurrence of criminal activity. These Closed Circuit Cameras, once installed, will transmit live video streams to the Central Police Headquarters Division, to which they are directly connected.  The quality of the images from the cameras, have helped to solve many crimes, while their strategic placement have additionally helped to foil criminal activities. In the next phase of this initiative, closed circuit cameras will be installed in all Police Stations and in selected business districts. The introduction of cameras within Police Stations will protect the rights of Police Officers and citizens, during incarceration and interviews at Police Holding Facilities.

Project Funding

Funding for the consultancy and the CCTV Project is being undertaken jointly by the public and private sectors.

For more information please contact:

The Commissioner of Police
Royal Bahamas Police Force
East Street Headquarters
Nassau, New Providence
The Bahamas
P. O. Box N-458

Tel: (242) 322-4444
Fax: (242) 328.2644

Opening Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, Except on Public Holidays

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