Requirements for Building in a Government Sub-division

For the purpose of ensuring the development of the said subdivision as a residential area and township of high standards the Vendor reserves the right to regulate and control the buildings, structures, improvements, or removal of unsightly items placed upon each lot.


  1. No building addition, wall or other structure shall be placed upon any lot unless and until the plans and specifications thereof have been approved in writing by the Minister, hereinafter referred to as the “Vendor" .
  2. No alterations in the exterior appearance of any building or structure shall be made without the Vendor's approval in writing.
  3. No building addition or other structure shall remain unfinished for more than twelve (12) months after the same shall have been commenced.
  4. Refusal or approval of plans and specifications by the Vendor may be based upon any ground including purely aesthetic grounds which in the sole and absolute discretion of the Vendor shall be deemed sufficient.
  5. Each owner shall landscape and keep his/her yard clean and clear of any and all rubbish.  No weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growth shall be permitted to grow or remain upon any lot and no refuse piles, unsightly objects, and disused equipment machinery or vehicles shall be allowed to be placed on or suffered to remain on any lot.  In the event that the Purchaser fails or objects to keeping the said hereditaments and premises free of weed or refuse piles or other unsightly growth or objects then the Vendor or his authorized agents or employees may enter upon the said hereditaments or premises and remove the same at the expense of the Purchaser and such entry shall not be deemed to be a trespass.
  6. No buildings shall be erected less than fifteen (15) feet from the street or back boundary line and less than eight (8) feet from any other boundary line.
  7. No lot shall be used for the purpose of any noxious or offensive trade or business or in any manner so as to create a nuisance to occupiers or other lots in the said subdivision.
  8. No swine, cows, horses, poultry or objectionable animals or creatures shall be kept raised or maintained on any lot of land in the said subdivision, provided always that dogs and cats shall not be deemed to be objectionable animals.
  9. No unlawful or immoral use shall be made of any premises erected or to be erected on any lot in the said subdivision.
  10. No buildings for the purposes of shops of any kind shall be erected on any lot in the said subdivision except any area designated for that purpose on the said plan.
  11. No well, earth closet or open pit toilet or cesspit shall be dug, constructed, erected or maintained on any lot of land in the said subdivision.
  12. No temporary building of any kind (including any tent or trailer used for sleeping accommodation) shall be built or maintained on any lot of land in the said subdivision except sheds or workshops to be used only for work incidental to the erection of any permanent building thereon.
  13. Not more than one private residence with any appropriate out building shall be erected on any lot and no structure shall be erected on any lot exceeding one (1) storey in height.
  14. No signs, billboards or other advertising device of any kind shall be erected or displayed on any lot of land in the said subdivision with the exception of those areas reserved for shops and churches.
  15. Nothing shall be done on any lot of land in the said subdivision whereby the natural flow of surface water shall be increased or altered in such manner as to cause a nuisance to any adjoining or neighbouring property.
  16. The said hereditaments shall not be let or leased without the prior written approval of the Vendor.
  17. In the event of any contemplated sale of the said hereditaments and premises, no sale shall be concluded unless the Vendor has been notified and allowed a reasonable time to exercise the option of purchasing the same or causing the same to be purchased at such price as could bona fide be negotiated with the prospective buyer of the said hereditaments and premises or is approved by the Vendor as being a person of low or medium income purchasing the said hereditaments and premises for owner occupation.
  18. The tendering instructions and fees vary from tender to tender.

For more information, please contact:

Department of Housing
Charlotte House
Corner of Charlotte and Shirley Streets
P.O. Box N275
Nassau, New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 302-5816 or 323-3333
Fax.(242) 328-4244
Opening hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays

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