National Commission/Disability Affairs take steps in providing job skills and entrepreneurial training for persons with disabilitie
Authored by: Bahamas Information Services
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: June 24, 2024

NASSAU, The Bahamas -- Officials of the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities and the Disability Affairs Division of the Ministry of Social Services, Information and Broadcasting, recently hosted a job skills and entrepreneurial training workshop for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) -- the intent of which was to provide persons with disabilities, capable of employment, with an opportunity to enhance their skills in securing employment in addition to providing opportunities for those persons aspiring to venture into entrepreneurship.


Mr. Kendrick Rolle, Deputy Chairman of the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities and Event Coordinator, said societies worldwide benefit greatly when more and more persons with disabilities who are capable of being employed are employed, or are business owners and/or entrepreneurs, a statement he calls “a proven fact.”

Global statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that an estimated 1.3 Billion persons – about 16 per cent of the global population – currently experience significant disability – making the grouping “the world’s biggest minority.”  That number is expected to increase due to the prevalence of non-communicable diseases.

“When persons with disabilities who are capable of being gainfully employed or owning businesses are provided with the opportunities and tools to do so, it has a domino effect on society,” Mr. Rolle said. “It helps to create a win/win situation for taxpayers; for governments, and businesses and organizations who are out there helping to provide their needs. It helps Persons with Disabilities to access better food, better healthcare services, better technological services and advancements, live more dignified lives.

“Persons with Disabilities also have families. They are husbands, wives, parents. They have household expenses that they are responsible for, and in many instances, their expenses – especially when it comes to technology, healthcare, medication, transportation, and so forth -- are greater than those of the so-called average person which makes it imperative that persons are given opportunities to participate in the socio-economic development of their country.”

Mr. Rolle said the Workshop, held June 17 and 18 at Stapledon School, allowed officials to assess the skill levels of participants seeking to be gainfully employed and/or become entrepreneurs. He said an alliance has been forged with the Training Centre for the Disabled, which has the mandate to provide training for independent living for persons with disabilities, and also promote artistic ability.

“We are working closely with the Training Centre for the Disabled on the design of a programme specifically for persons with disabilities to ensure that their mathematical, language, presentation, performance is assessed and to ensure that wherever they are found lacking, they are provided with the requisite training needed to improve any deficiencies.

“We invited the Small Business Development Centre (SBDC) to come in and show them how they can access funding to start-up small businesses, and grow them into medium-sized businesses.”

An employee with the Disability Affairs Division, Ministry of Social Services, Information and Broadcasting, Mr. Rolle said follow-up is critical to the success of the programme.

“There will always be follow-up. Three months from now we will assess where the persons are in comparison to where they were prior to the workshop, and then we will take steps to assist them in the way forward, whichever area they are seeking.”

Global statistics further indicate that “almost every global citizen” will temporarily or permanently experience disability at some point in their lives.

“We want people to recognize that while they may not have a disability today, they can end up living with a disability at some future time in their lives. Given that context, would you want society to turn around and look down on you, or would you want to know that society has put in place the things needed to empower you, and to help you to move ahead in an effort to lead a dignified life?”








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