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The Advisory Committee for National Honours

Public Notice

The National Honours Award Nomination Form 2024
Published Date : January 4, 2024

The Advisory Committee for National Honours invites nominations from the general public of persons fit to be conferred with an award under the National Honours Act 2016 and Regulations made thereunder. The established Societies of Honour under Section 5 of the Act are as follows:-

  1. The Order of National Hero;
  2. The Order of Nation;
  3. The Order of The Bahamas;
  4. The Order of Excellence;
  5. The Order of Distinction;
  6. The Order of Merit;
  7. The Order of Lignum Vitae;
  8. Any other honour constituted by the Governor-General by Order.

Distinguished Service Medals for Citizens of The Bahamas in honour of exceptional service by Bahamians serving in

  1. Public service;
  2. Military services;
  3. Police, fire and prison services; and
  4. Uniform service

Badges of Honour

  1. Civil society

Medals for Bravery undertaken in The Bahamas by any person.

These awards will recognize persons who have achieved excellence in designated categories while contributing to national development.

Nomination forms may be obtained from the Cabinet Office in New Providence, the Office of the Administrator in all Districts of the Family Islands and via the Government of The Bahamas website www.bahamas.gov.bs. Completed Nomination Forms containing all of the pertinent information of the nominee must be submitted to the National Honours Secretariat, Cabinet Office or emailed to nationalevents@bahamas.gov.bs not later than 29th March, 2024 in order to enable the Advisory Committee to consider nominations and make recommendations for awards.

Public announcements of approved awards will be made by the Governor-General on 10th July, 2024, in accordance with the requirements of the Act. Conferment of all Awards will take place on the second Monday in October of this year.

Kindly note that nominations must show detailed reasons for which the nominee is being recommended. Under no circumstances should the Nominee be made aware of their nomination.

The Chairman
The Advisory Committee for National Honours Cabinet Office
P. O. Box N-7147
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas

Nomination Forms & Flyer: 


For Further information please contact:

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