Allow farmers to make requests on-line for Farmers Registration Certificate.


All food businesses, i.e., all businesses that handle, prepare/manufacture, package, store or distribute food.


Farmers must complete the required form.

    1. Pay the requisite fee (non-refundable);
    2. Inspection (in-person or virtual) of premises by a bahfsa inspector; (additional inspections will occur during the business license application process;
    3. Issue certificate of registration upon approval to be posted in plain view at the place of business;
    4. In the case of food vendors, a certificate will be granted along with a badge to be worn in clear view on their clothing during operating hours;
    5. All registered businesses will be posted on the bahfsa website;
    6. Applicant may proceed with application of a business license.



Application Form(s) 

The application for the registration of a food business can be accessed online at

Supporting Documents 

Supporting documents are listed on the food business registration form and can be accessed at

Turn-around time 
Upon successful completion of the application, no more than ten (10) business days is required to complete the approval process.
After successful completion of a food business application, a maximum of five (5) business days is required before the issuance of a registration certificate.
Related Fee(s) 

A fee of $50BAH application fee must be paid annually before a food registration certificate can be issued.

For more information please contact 

For more information please contact 

The Bahamas Agricultural Health & Food Safety Authority (BAHFSA)
1000 The Source River Centre

Bacardi Road
P.O. Box
Nassau, New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) – 604-7000
Fax. (242) -

Opening hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday,

Complaints Process

  1. All complaints can be expressed on the customer service link on the bahfsa website or send an email detailing the complaint to;
  2. If a customer is not satisfied with the service or has a dispute, he/she may forward complaints to the attention of the Executive Director at
Agency Contact Info
Agriculture and Marine Resources, Ministry of

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