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Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Consumer Protection Information and Complaints

Consumer Affairs is mandated to enforce and monitor three primary pieces of legislation which focus on service to the community. These include:

The Price Control Act, 1971, and its Regulations

The prices of goods which are controlled are published in a Schedule under the Price Control (General) (Amendments) Regulations. These items are commonly referred to as Breadbasket and include:

• Butter
• Cooking Oil  
• Mayonnaise
• Grits     
• Cheese
• Corned Beef   
• Evaporated Milk  
• Margarine   
• Rice    
• Sugar
• Flour
• Bread
• Tomato Paste

The following are an extension of the Price Control listing and falls under automatic pricing:

• Baby Cereal         
• Baby Formula    
• Soups
• Broths
• Baby Food           
• Powdered Detergents
• Condensed Milk
• Soaps
• Fresh Milk           
• Mustard

The Rent Control Act (Amendment Regulation, 2006)

The Rent Control Amendment 2006 amended the 1975 Act ceiling of $25,000.00 and established a new ceiling of $75,000.00 for dwelling houses covered under the Rent Control Act. Tenants and Landlords are encouraged to maintain a courteous and respectful relationship and honour their respective obligations. Should disputes or complaints arise; either of the parties can refer the matter to the Rent Control Board for a determination.

The Consumer Protection Act, 2006.

This piece of legislation which makes provisions for the greater protection of consumers was passed by the Parliament in 2006. The legislation seeks to provide consumers who are disadvantaged daily by exorbitant prices substandard products and the unscrupulous practice of merchants and service providers a forum to have their complaints addressed on a timely basis.

The law requires merchants and service providers to be more accountable and ensures that in their dealings with consumers, value is exchanged for goods and services provided. The Act address consumer concerns in the following areas:

• Protection from hazards to their health and safety;
• Consumer Education;
• Avenues for effective redress of complaints;
• Encouragement of the formation of consumer groups to represent consumer views in matters of interest and decision making.

For more information, or to make a complaint, please contact the following:

Consumer Affairs Office
National Insurance Building
Wulff Road
New Providence
The Bahamas
Phone: (242) 356-9391/5
Fax: (242) 356-9395
P. O. Box N 3008

On the Family Islands

Consumer Affairs Offices are located in the Administrator’s Office.
In Freeport, Grand Bahama, Consumer Affairs Office is located in the Office of the Prime Minister.



Phone Contact


Administrator’s Office

(242) 367-5072-3

Acklins, Mason Bay

Administrator’s Office

(242) 334-3251

North Andros

Administrator’s Office

(242) 329-2278/ 329-2608


Department of labour Office

(242) 347-32422

Cat Island

Administrator’s Office

(242) 342-3031/ 342-3032


Administrator’s Office

(242) 334-2034/ 334-2049


Social Service Office

(242) 336-3609

Grand Bahama

Office of the Prime Minister

(242) 352-3414


Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions


Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

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