Citizens and Residents

Labour and Employment


Bahamas Online Skills Bank Employer Access


Private Sector employers in The Bahamas can seek assistance with filling their vacancies from the Department of Labour.  The Department’s Employment Exchange Section acts as a liaison between job seekers and employers, matching job vacancies to suitable job seekers, and even provides the use of its facilities for the conduct of interviews.<<more>>


Bahamas Online Skills Bank Job Seekers Access

 Employment Assistance Services * 


The Department of Labour is committed to ensuring employment for Bahamians.  In the best interest of unemployed Bahamian nationals and residents, the Department’s Employment Exchange Section assists job seekers with locating private sector jobs. Essentially, the Employment Exchange Section matches job vacancies to suitable job seekers. <<more>>


International Labour Organization (ILO)


The International Labour Organization (ILO) headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, is a tripartite agency within the United Nations (UN).  In fact, it is the only agency of its kind. Its tripartite structure makes the agency unique among world organizations, in that employers and workers have an equal voice with governments in shaping its policies and programs. <<more>>


Workers Compensation Benefits

Correct Severance Procedure


The labour laws of The Bahamas are designed to ensure fair play between employers and employees.  The proper procedure for terminating employment varies according to the different categories of employees.  Please note that employees whose tenure is 90 days or less are neither entitled to notice nor compensation. <<more>>


Career Opportunities in Government


Unemployment Resources

 see Bahamas Online Skills Bank - Job Sekers


International Job Vacancies

 To view a listing of job available abroad click here


Job Counceling

Alternative Dispute Resolution 

Persons who believe that they are wrongfully dismissed or that their fundamental rights as employees are being or have been infringed upon may seek advice on or assistance with the resolution of these issues from the Conciliation Section of the Department of Labour. <<more>>

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