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Geographic Information Education Grant - ESRI

In today’s society more and more schools are beginning to incorporate Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into their curriculum.  Academic institutions around the world recognize that geospatial technologies can help their students obtain invaluable background knowledge and skills that will equip them to better compete in a global environment....a digital world.
The Bahamas National Geographic Information System (BNGIS) Centre in collaboration with the Ministry of Education successfully launched the Geographic Information Education Project (GIEP) in October 2006.  The GIEP was developed to promote GI literacy among teachers and students in The Bahamas.  The driving force behind the implementation of this project was the interest in the technology that was expressed by teachers and the fact that in The Bahamas there is very limited skilled human resources to meet GIS work force demands.  At The Centre we believe that if students are introduced to GIS at an early age we would essentially, spark an interest in GIS as a career option and facilitate their start on the road to success in one of a variety of professions that rely on geospatial technologies.

The GIEP was tabled to be a three year pilot project that was to introduce GIS and associated technologies in schools throughout The Bahamas. As a result of the GIEP a total of 16 schools in The Bahamas had the opportunity to work with this technology.  Three hundred teachers and students  exposed to the technology and more than 150 were trained, and are now capable of using the GIS Software and collecting data using GPS equipment.  To help meet the goals of this project the government of The Bahamas received a generous grant from the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) which provided training, GIS related educational resources and GIS software for all schools participating in the project. 

Although the GIEP has ended the Centre is committed to integrating this technology in every school in The Bahamas.  To facilitate this process The BNGIS Centre, the Ministry of Education and The College of The Bahamas are in discussions to find the best way to implement GIS into school curriculum.  

In order to ensure successful integration we will need:

  • The full support of the Ministry of Education and expertise in curriculum development.
  • The full support and commitment of teachers.
  • Interested students.
  • GIS Software.
  • Computer equipment, networks and accessories.
  • BNGIS Centre technical support.

If all these factors are in place we would be well on our way to integrating GIS into the school curriculum.


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