Chapter 6: Transfers

600. Transfers are made by The Governor General acting on the recommendation of The Public Service Commission.
601. Transfers shall be dealt with under the procedure for promotion when an increase of emoluments is involved (See Chapter 5) and under the procedure for appointments when there is no immediate increase in emoluments (See Chapter 2).
602. When the normal procedure for carrying out a transfer would involve a delay that is likely to cause serious inconvenience, the Head of Department will report the matter to The Permanent Secretary. The Permanent Secretary will forward the report to The Permanent Secretary of The Public Service who will refer it to The Public Service Commission, and The commission may recommend a transfer without regard to the usual procedure.
603. An officer who wishes to be considered for transfer within The Bahamas, or; who wishes to apply for transfer to a particular post within The Bahamas must apply in writing to The Permanent Secretary of his Ministry, who, after consultation with the Head of the Department where the officer is serving, will transmit the application to The Permanent Secretary of The Public Service with his comments and recommendations.
604. Only for the most exceptional reasons will the simple refusal by an officer of a transfer (with or without promotion) prejudice his prospects of further offers. An officer who receives an offer of transfer is at liberty to determine his acceptance or refusal entirely in the light of his own interests, although it would normally be desirable for him to follow up a refusal with an explanation of his reasons, which would afford some guidance in determining whether any, or what kind of, offer should be made to him at a later date.
605. A Head of Department must, upon transfer, leave a memorandum on any special instructions affecting the Department for the guidance of his successor, and a duplicate of this memorandum should be forwarded to The Permanent Secretary.
606. The provisions of General Order 1647, concerning hand-over, shall apply to any officer who vacates his office on transfer.
607. should be amended to allow for payment of increased disturbance allowances to married and single officers' in the amounts of BS$500 and BS$250 respectively, provided the transfers are at Government's request from a place of domicile and for periods in excess of six months.
608. The effective date of transfer of an officer is normally the date on which the officer concerned takes up the duties of his new post.

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