Chapter 1: Definitions

100. The following terms have the following meanings throughout these General Orders, unless it is otherwise provided or required by the context.

  1. "The Bahamas" means all the territory that is administered by The Government of The Bahamas.
  2. "The Public Service" means The Service of The Crown in a civil capacity in respect of The Government of The Bahamas (including service as a member of the Judicial Service Commission, The Public Service Commission or The Police Service Commission) but, save as may be otherwise expressly provided, does not include service:
    (a) on the personal staff of The Governor General, or;
    (b) as a Justice of The Supreme Court or as a Justice of The Court of Appeal, or;
    (c) in The Ministry of Tourism.
  3. "Public Office" or "Office" means any office of emolument in The Public Service.
  4. "Public officer" or "officer" means:
    (a) a person who holds a Pensionable Office within the meaning of any Act relating to the pensions or gratuities of persons employed in The Public Service;
    (b) a person employed in The Public Service whose employment is not of a casual nature and whose whole time is employed in The Public Service.
  5. "Government servant" means anyone in whatever capacity and under whatever conditions of service, who is employed by Government.
  6. "The Public Service Commission" or "The Commission" shall be read in those places where it is appropriate, as The Police Service Commission or; The Judicial & Legal Service Commission.
  7. "Contract officer" means a person employed in The Public Service for a fixed period of time whether or not such employment is renewable on the expiration of such fixed period of time.
  8. "Empowered officer" means a public officer to whom certain powers of appointment and discipline have been delegated by The Governor General.
  9. "Salary" is the remuneration deriving from employment in The Public Service, exclusive of all allowances.
  10. "Vacation leave" is leave with full salary, other than sick leave, maternity leave, study leave, special leave and casual leave.
  11. "Leave of absence" is leave on half-salary.
  12. "Leave year" is a calendar year.
  13. "Office of responsibility" is any post in The Public Service declared by The Governor General by notice in The Gazette to be a post in respect of which allowances shall be payable to a person appointed to discharge the duties of such post.
  14. "Appointment" means:
    (a) the conferment of an office of emolument in The Public Service, whether or not subject to subsequent confirmation, upon a person not in The Public Service;
    (b) the grant of permanent and pensionable terms of service in a Public Office to a person recruited, and servicing on contract terms of service or in a non-established capacity in a pensionable or non-pensionable office;
    (c) the engagement in a Public Office of a person on contract terms of service for a further period of service on the conclusion of this previous period of engagement on contract terms in the same or other Public Office;
    (d) the appointment of a public officer to act in any Public Office other than The Office to which he is substantively appointed.
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