MOETVT launches $43m BEST Project in Grand Bahama
Authored by: Bahamas Information Services
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: May 7, 2024

GRAND BAHAMA, The Bahamas — The Bahamas is taking significant steps toward making the local educational system more vibrant, inclusive, and resilient, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Hon. Philip Davis told stakeholders at the official launch of the Bahamas Education Sector Transformation (BEST) Project in Grand Bahama on Monday, May 6, 2024.

The $43 million project is one of the latest components of the Ministry of Education and Technical and Vocational Training, in collaboration with the Caribbean Development Bank.

The BEST Project consists of the construction of the East Grand Bahama Comprehensive School; the retrofitting/rehabilitation of schools in Grand Bahama; the development of an IT strategy and plan for the Ministry of Education and Technical and Vocational Training to modernize operations; and training and professional development for 2,000 school administrators and teachers.

The launch ceremony took place in the Convention Centre at the Grand Lucayan Resort with government officials, representatives from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), and a cross-section of persons in the education profession and other special guests in attendance.

While bringing remarks, Prime Minister Davis thanked the CDB for its role in supporting the development of The Bahamas, as well as the entire region, along with all other stakeholders in making the BEST Project a reality.

“BEST is an investment in providing quality education to all learners. It is the latest in a series of major initiatives underway at the Ministry of Education as we get the many children we lost during the pandemic back in school, remediate them, revamp the core curriculum, and make a number of changes to modernize our educational system for future success,” he said.

Prime Minister Davis also pointed out that his government is steadfast in its commitment to ensuring that every child in The Bahamas has access to the education they deserve, regardless of their background or circumstances.
“The goal of the BEST Project is to enhance our education system, making it more efficient, inclusive, gender-responsive, relevant, and resilient. By investing in infrastructure, curriculum development, teacher training, and technology integration, we will create an environment where every learner can thrive and reach their full potential,” he added.

Prime Minister Davis noted that education is the only way The Bahamas will secure a brighter and better future for its children.

“We cannot afford to let another year go by without making the necessary investments and rolling out the needed reforms to create a better future for education in The Bahamas – not when education is so closely tied to productivity and economic growth. Not when we are going through a time of rapid change when our children will need to be bold, innovative, critical thinkers capable of competing on the world stage,” he said.

Minister of Education and Technology and Vocational Training, the Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin said the BEST Project will assist the ministry of Education in its continued efforts and commitment to transforming the education sector thereby improving quality, relevant and equitable access across to education in The Bahamas and particularly in East Grand Bahama which have had more of its share of challenges.

“Education is the key to national development and in this there can be no compromise,” she said.

Minister Hanna-Martin revealed that once the overall outcome of the project is attained, it will move Grand Bahama and The Bahamas closer to achieving the targets of sustainable development goals which speaks to ensuring inclusive, equitable, quality education and the promotion of life-long learning opportunities for all.

In her remarks, Minister for Grand Bahama, the Hon. Ginger Moxey called the endeavor revolutionary and an answer to the prayers of the people of East Grand Bahama.

“Parents, your cries have been heard. Hold on just a little bit longer. That lengthy commute to and from Freeport that your children endure daily to access education will soon come to an end,” she said.  

Minister Moxey thanked the CDB and the Minister Hanna-Martin on behalf of the residents of Grand Bahama for making the occasion possible.
“This investment will bring long-awaited relief to the students, parents, and teachers while enriching the lives of persons residing in East Grand Bahama communities,” she said.

She noted that the Davis Administration is fulfilling its commitment to the people of The Bahamas through the BEST Project.

“In our ‘Blueprint for Change,’ we committed to develop the true potential of our children; stimulate their geniuses; work to ensure that they become competitive on the global stage in any area.  The Bahamas Education Sector Transformation Project (BEST) is a step in that direction,” she said.


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