Gynaecology clinics are geared toward ensuring the reproductive health and well-being of women. During these clinics, various routine tests and examinations are carried out to identify problems or disorders of the reproductive system. Blood tests and breast exams are also done. Additionally, the woman is given information concerning numerous female health issues and problems such as:

  • Fibroids
  • Menopause
  • Uterine, breast, ovarian, and cervical cancer
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Yeast Infections
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • HIV and AIDS

Pap Smear

The pap smear is one of several tests that will be given at the gynaecology clinic. Also known as the pap test, the pap smear is usually done in addition to the pelvic exam. A sample of the cells from the cervix is removed and sent to the lab for testing. It is checked for abnormal changes x and can reveal if there is infection or cervical cancer. If caught and treated early, most cases of cervical cancer can be cured. Therefore, it is important for all women to have pap smears, along with pelvic exams, as part of their routine heath care. It is recommended that women receive a pap smear yearly if they are are 21 years and older (younger if sexually active).

Preparation for Pap smear

If you are planning on having a pap smear, immediately before your exam avoid:

  • Douching
  • Using tampons
  • Vaginal creams, suppositories, medicines
  • Vaginal deodorants and sprays
  • Sexual intercourse

Breast Exam

This is another test that is performed in the gynaecology clinic. Physical examination of the breast may reveal "normal" lumps (which are quite common and are harmless), cysts, or, in very rare cases, breast cancer. Your healthcare professional will also recommend breast self-examination (BSE). Monthly BSE helps to quickly detect changes or problems, so that they can be promptly treated.

Breast Self-Examination

In the shower

  1. Use the right hand to examine the left breast, left hand for the right breast.
  2. Always use the flat area (pads) of the fingers pressed together, not the fingertips.
  3. Place one hand behind the head and with the opposite hand examine the breast.
  4. Move over the whole breast including the armpit, in a circular motion increasingly inwards towards the nipple.
  5. Check for any lump, hard knot or thickening of the skin.

Before the mirror

  1. Inspect the breast with arms at both sides.
  2. Raise arms high over the head.
  3. Press the palms of the hands together below the chin and flex the chest muscles.
  4. Look for any changes in the shape or a swelling or dimpling of the skin or changes in the nipple.
  5. Rest palms on hips and press down firmly to flex the chest muscles. Bend forward to examine the way the breasts hang.

Lying Down

  1. Place pillow or folded towel under the shoulder of the breast to be examined.
  2. To examine the right breast, place the right hand behind the head.
  3. Using the left hand, fingers flat, use padded area, press gently in a circular small motion, and move from the outer up-most area of the collarbone and armpit, toward the nipple until the entire breast is examined.
  4. Note how the breast structure feels. A ridge of firm tissue, in the lower curve of each breast is normal.
  5. Squeeze gently the nipple, checking for any discharge, clear or bloody. Repeat the procedure with the left breast placing the pillow under the left shoulder and the left hand behind the head.


Any member of the female public can access these services.

  1. Call Community Health Clinic to receive an appointment.
  2. Attend session.
  3. Receive consultation and examination.
  4. Follow recommendations given.
Application Form(s) 

This varies by facility.

Supporting Documents 

1 Form of legal identification – passport, driver’s licence, or national insurance card

Turn-around time 

This varies by facility.

Not applicable.
Related Fee(s) 

BS$10.00.  Please note that there may be additional charges depending on which tests are done.

For more information please contact 

Maternal and Child Health Unit
The Department of Public Health
Poncianna Hill Building, Meeting Street
P. O. Box N-3730
New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 502-4835
Fax.(242) 502-4874
Opening hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays

Agency Contact Info
Health and Wellness, Ministry of
Poinciana Building Meeting & Augusta Street
P. O. Box N 3730
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Phone: (242) 502-4700 or 502-4877
Fax: (242) 502-4711
Office Hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday - Friday, except public holidays
Agency Notices
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