Office of the Attorney-General


Published Date : March 16, 2012

Dress in Supreme Court

On March 12, 2012 The Chief Justice issued PRACTICE DIRECTION NO.2 OF 2012 which stated a new dress code policy for Attorneys in practise in the Supreme Court. The Direction became effective March 13th. The following now applies

  1. Counsel appearing in the Supreme Court will only be required to wear wig on ceremonial occasions, such as Opening of the Legal Year ,Ceremonies for Admission and Commemorative sittings;
  2. All Counsel appearing in open court are required to wear dark clothing with black barrister’s gown, wing collar with bands for men and collarette and/or bands for women; and
  3. Counsel will be required to wear dark clothing for all applications made in Chambers.


For Further information please contact:
Contact name:Shane Miller Telephone:502-0400
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