[Berry Islands Administrators]
Councillors Contacts]

Lat.: N25 46’ 00”
Long.: W 77 51’ 30”
Size: 12 Sq. mls
Island Crest

Island Information


The Berry Islands are located just 19 miles east of Bimini and 30 miles from New Providence. This chain of about 30 small islands is inhabited by just over 500 people, most of whom live at Bullocks Harbour on Great Harbour Cay, the largest of the Berry Islands. Located on the edge of the Tongue of the Ocean, the Berry Islands are popular with divers, anglers and yachtsmen.

The Berry Islands were believed to have been first settled in 1836 when Governor Colebrooke established a settlement of liberated Africans at Great Harbour Cay. At the southern end of the chain is Chub Cay which has a semi-private resort. It is located near the Great Bahama bank and the Tongue of the Ocean and is renowned as a sport fishing resort for yachtsmen. At Great Sturrup Cay, another island in the chain, is a lighthouse built in 1863. Cruise ships stop at Little Sturrup Cay to allow tourists to swim and picnic on the beautiful white sandy beaches.

Between Great Harbour Cay and the Sturrup Cays are a number of privately owned cays, including Bird Cay, Whale Cay, Frozen and Alder’s Cays, Little Harbour Cay and Little Whale Cay.

Information courtesy of Bahamas Information Services, Department of Archives and Local Government.

For more information visit the Website of the Ministry of Tourism

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