Disciplinary action would be initiated if an officer is found to be in contravention of any of the rules or regulations governing the Public Service.


All Public Service employees are subject to disciplinary action.

  1. Verbal Warning: An officer should be given one (1) to three (3) oral (spoken) warnings for misconduct or poor performance.
  2. Written Warnings: If there is no improvement for serious offences, an officer may be warned in writing of his shortcomings.
  3. Disciplinary Action: Should the officer not improve, he will be disciplined.
  4. A Show-cause letter is issued if, despite being warned, the misconduct continues. It would outline the charge(s) / infraction(s) in accordance with the relevant Public Service Commission Regulations and the officer would be invited to show-cause in writing why he ought not to be disciplined, all evidence/supporting documents should be included.  In the case of delegated officers the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry issues this letter. For non-delegated posts, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry might issue this letter, or refer it to The Department of Public Service for action.
  5. Response:  The officer is given an opportunity to respond to the charges through the Permanent Secretary within fourteen (14) days of receipt of letter.
  6. If no response is received within the specified period, or; if the response is unsatisfactory, the Permanent Secretary may take disciplinary action in respect of delegated officers, or The Governor General acting on the advice of The Public Service Commission.
  7. Disciplinary proceeding: A disciplinary committee may be constituted and the offending officer will be required to appear.  The officer may be accompanied by legal representation. The matter is heard by the committee.  The disciplinary committee would make a recommendation to the Department of Public Service.
  8. Interdiction:  An officer may be interdicted when disciplinary proceedings for his dismissal are being taken or are about to be taken.
  9. Punishment:  The Permanent Secretary of the Department of Public Service advises the officer, in writing, of the recommendation made by the disciplinary committee.  If the recommendation is a punishment, the reporting officer will advise the Public Service Commission.  The punishment could range from reprimand to dismissal in accordance with The Public Service Commission Regulation 40.
  10. Officer’s response: An officer cannot appeal punishments, except in the case of a dismissal decision.  
  11. Letter of Dismissal: The officer’s letter of dismissal states his right of appeal.


Application Form(s) 

There are no application forms for this process

Supporting Documents 
  • Copies of Warning Letters
  • Show-Cause letter (if applicable)
  • Officer’s response Letter (if applicable)
  • Proof of letter being issued ( Registered mail receipt, witnesses, signed copy of letter)
Turn-around time 

The turn-around time may vary depending on the nature of the matter.

There are no deadlines associated with this process.
Related Fee(s) 

Not Applicable

For more information please contact 

The Department of Public Service
Poinciana Hill Complex
Meeting Street
Nassau, New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 502 7200
Fax. (242)326 6929
Opening hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays

Agency Contact Info
Public Service, Ministry of
Poinciana Hill
Meeting Street
P.O. BOX - N 3915
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Phone: (242) 502-7200
Fax: (242) 326-6929
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