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NADS: A Drug Control Body

As the principal national body for building coherence and cooperation in drug control, the NADS is positioned to have an overview of the broad range of national action to counter drug abuse and illicit trafficking, as well as cooperative action taken at the regional and international levels.

The relationship between the NADS and the Bahamas National Drug Council (BNDC), situated in the Ministry of Health, has been revised for greater coherence in the work of the two bodies and to avoid duplication. BNDC is mandated to organize and coordinate initiatives for the prevention of drug abuse, drug education and treatment and rehabilitation of persons with substance abuse problems. BNDC’s Governmental and non-governmental members are appointed by the Minister of Health.

With the passing of specialist counselling and other drug demand reduction and related services to the SRC/LVU and non-governmental and community organisations, the remaining functions of the BNDC centres in the main on spearheading collaboration with the Ministry of Education and other partners in the organization, administration and implementation of demand reduction projects, with expert input from its various committees.

The BNDC will retain lead responsibility for drug prevention and demand reduction initiatives, and would advise the NADS in these matters. The two bodies would collaborate in the implementation of demand reduction strategies and policies. For clarity regarding the standing of the NADS, the broad drug control body, and the BNDC which is charged with demand reduction matters, the new nomenclature for the BNDC would be the “Council for Drug Prevention and Demand Reduction” (CDPDR). The feasibility of merging the BNDC with the NADS will be actively considered over the course of the Strategy.

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