start: 15/01/2025 02:54:05.641
end: 15/01/2025 02:54:05.659
Customs Warehouse
A Customs Warehouse is a building approved by the Minister of Finance for the deposit of Unentered, Unexamined, Detained or Seized goods.
Goods arriving in The Bahamas and not entered after 5 working days are placed in the Customs Warehouse. Goods not entered after 3 months are eligible for auction.
mof_content/internet/CUSD/Government/Warehousing/Customs Warehouse/Customs Warehouse
Customs Warehouse
start: 15/01/2025 02:54:05.671
end: 15/01/2025 02:54:05.727
mof_content/internet/CUSD/Government/Warehousing/Customs Warehouse/Customs Warehouse
Customs Warehouse
start: 15/01/2025 02:54:05.727
end: 15/01/2025 02:54:05.728
mof_content/internet/CUSD/Government/Warehousing/Customs Warehouse/Customs Warehouse
Customs Warehouse
start: 15/01/2025 02:54:05.728
end: 15/01/2025 02:54:05.730