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An extraction is the actual removal of a tooth (or teeth) from the mouth. It is usually needed for various reasons including, a severely decayed tooth, advanced gum disease, a tooth that is broken beyond repair and poor tooth positioning or impacted teeth.

Because wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to appear, there is often no room for them to break through the gum, thereby resulting in impacted teeth. These impacted teeth normally cause pain pressure, decay or gum disease to develop. It is for these reasons, that extraction of the wisdom teeth is oftentimes advised. Anaesthetic is usually required for this procedure, so the patient does not actually feel the extraction.  Some pressure on the tooth may be felt. It is crucial for the patient to follow post-operative instruction to ensure quick healing and recovery.

Dry Socket

This is a common condition that sometimes occurs in patients who have undergone extractions where removal of bone was also required. It is caused when the blood has failed to clot or the clot has become dislodged and the bone with its sensitive nerve endings is left exposed. Since the blood clot acts as a “scab” to protect the area until it is fully healed, the absence of it results in a delayed and very painful healing process. If you do develop dry socket, contact your Community Health Clinic’s oral physician immediately.


Anyone can access this type of dental healthcare.

  1. Call nearest Community Health Clinic and make an appointment if necessary.  Dental Healthcare Facilities
  2. Report to clinic and register (fill out medical questionnaire).
  3. Pay charge if required.
  4. Participate in service.
  5. Follow recommendations made.

Follow-up Care

  1. Protection of blood clot – Maintain firm pressure by biting on the gauze sponge that has been placed over the surgical area. Keep steady firm pressure for 45 minutes. Repeat as often as needed.
  2. Avoid spitting, smoking, or use of straws for 24 hours.
  3. Do not rinse or use mouthwash for at least 24 hours. After 24hours rinse with warm water and salt (1/2 teaspoon or a pinch of table salt in one cup of warm water) every 1-2 hours. (Avoid using commercial mouthwashes during the healing period. Do not use peroxide or Listerine for at least 1 week after the extraction.)
  4. Following dental surgery it is normal to expect some discomfort. If medication has been given or prescribed, take as instructed.
  5. The toothbrush may be carefully used in the area of the mouth not involved by the surgical procedure. A clean mouth heals faster!
  6. Adequate food and fluid intake following surgery and/or general extraction is most important. Eat at your usual meal times. However, avoid foods that are hard, hot, cold or spicy.  In some cases you may resume eating on the very same day, but away from the area of extraction.
  7. Avoid all excessive activity, do not pick at the surgical area; do not consume liquids through a straw; avoid alcoholic beverages and refrain from smoking until healing is well established.
  8. Sutures -if they were used, do not fail to return on the appointment date given.
  9. Control of swelling - gently apply ice packs to area for periods of 20 minutes on/10 minutes off. This procedure should continue for the first 24 hours only. After 24 hours, apply warm, moist compresses to the swollen region for 24 hours.
  10. Allergic reactions - for generalised rash and/or itching call dentist immediately.
  11. Do not hesitate to call if any questions arise. We are here for you!
Application Form(s) 

This varies by facility.

Supporting Documents 

These vary by facility.

Turn-around time 
This depends on the severity of the individual patient’s case.
There is no deadline date for this service.
Related Fee(s) 

Please contact individual facility for this information

For more information please contact 

The Department of Oral Health
Poncianna Hill Building
Meeting Street
P. O. Box N-3730
Nassau, N.P.
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 502-4869
Fax.(242) 502-4874
Opening hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays

Related Services
Agency Contact Info
Health and Wellness, Ministry of
Poinciana Building Meeting & Augusta Street
P. O. Box N 3730
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Phone: (242) 502-4700 or 502-4877
Fax: (242) 502-4711
Office Hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday - Friday, except public holidays
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