Bahamas Laws On-Line is a database of consolidated Statutes and  Subsidiary Legislation of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas amended up to 31st December, 2009.

Contents of this web site are provided by the Government of The Bahamas for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The Government of The Bahamas accepts no liability for actions arising from its use.  Also, this website is not a substitute for PROFESSIONAL OR LEGAL ADVICE.

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Chapter Title Description
26 PUBLIC WORKS ACT An Act to provide for the construction, management and development of public works, buildings and roads. 
200 BUILDINGS REGULATION ACT An Act to regulate the construction, alteration and repair of buildings, to provide for the re-instatement or removal of dangerous or dilapidated buildings, to authorise the publication of a building code and for purposes connected therewith.
201 ROADS ACT An Act to make provision for the establishment of public roads, for the control and maintenance of public roads and for other purposes incidental thereto.
202 PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTS ACT An Act to provide for the registration of architects and architectural technicians, the regulation and control of architectural practice, and for related purposes.
215 EXPLOSIVES ACT An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the manufacture, importation, sale, storage, use and disposal of explosives and matters incidental thereto.
216 EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES (ILLEGAL USE AND POSSESSION) ACT An Act to regulate the making, possession and use of explosive substances, and for other purposes.
217 INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS ACT An Act relating to the storage, safekeeping and conveyance of inflammable liquids and for other purposes.
218 LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS ACT An Act to regulate the sale, storage and transportation of liquefied petroleum gas; to provide for the installation and maintenance of liquefied petroleum gas containers piping, fittings and appliances; and to authorise the adoption of basic standards for the purposes of public safety in connection therewith.
219 PETROLEUM ACT An Act to make better provision for the exploration for, the boring for and the getting of petroleum and for matters incidental thereto.
255 TOWN PLANNING ACT An Act relating to town planning.
256 PRIVATE ROADS AND SUB-DIVISIONS ACT An Act to make fresh provision for the laying out and construction of new private roads and for the laying out and development of new sub-divisions and to confer powers on the Town Planning Committee as well as the Minister for Works in connection therewith; and to make provision for matters connected with the matters aforesaid.
257 PRIVATE ROADS AND SUB-DIVISIONS (OUT ISLANDS) ACT An Act to make better provision for the control of the laying out and construction of new private roads and sub-divisions in the Out Islands and to confer powers upon the Minister responsible for private roads and sub-divisions in connection therewith.
258 SUB-DIVISIONS (LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATIONS) ACT An Act to make provision for the formation of Local Improvement Associations in order to establish, maintain and operate improvement associations for the benefit of lot owners in sub-divisions.
259 RECLAMATION AND DRAINAGE ACT An Act to provide for reclamation and drainage of swampy areas.
260 CONSERVATION AND PROTECTION OF THE PHYSICAL LANDSCAPE OF THE BAHAMAS ACT An Act to make provision for the conservation and protection of the physical landscape of The Bahamas.
270 ABUTMENTS ACT An Act to improve the Harbour of Nassau and to afford greater facilities for repairing vessels that have sustained damage and for other purposes. 
271 ABUTMENTS (OUT ISLANDS) ACT An Act to authorise the building of wharves or abutments in the ports and harbours in the Out Islands.
272 HATCHET BAY HARBOUR CONTROL ACT An Act relating to the proposed harbour at Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera.



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