The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association


The Bahamas Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) is hosting the 41st Conference of the Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic Region of the CPA during the period 22-30 July, 2016. The Conference is being held at the Coral Towers of Atlantis, Paradise Island under the theme “Modernisation: An Essential Element for the Independence of Parliament and the Deepening of Democracy.”


The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association is an organization made up of parliamentarians from Commonwealth Legislatures. The organization works to promote the ideals of democracy in its member Parliaments and among member parliamentarians and electors. It does so by enhancing knowledge and understanding of democratic governance.


The CPA is headquartered in London, United Kingdom and the Secretariat is headed by a Secretary General who implements the policies of the Executive Committee, the body that is responsible for the control and management of the business of the Association. The General Assembly which meets at least twice annually is the Association’s supreme authority.


The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association is divided into nine commonwealth geographic regions: Africa, Asia, Australia, British Islands and Mediterranean, Canada, India, Pacific, South-East Asia and the Caribbean, America and Atlantic. The Bahamas is an active member of the Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic Region and last hosted the Regional Conference in the year 2,000.


The CPA promotes its democratic deepening objectives through the holding of:

Annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Conferences  

Regional Conferences

Parliamentary Seminars and workshops

Parliamentary Symposiums

Parliamentary Publications

Interparliamentary Visits

Conference Notices
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